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Bowling For Columbine

Michael Moore:«If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?»

Marilyn Manson:«I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.»

RoundAboutWay - Bowling for Columbine


Bowling for Columbine


Michael Moore (D&S)


Micheal Moore.




Canada, USA, Germany


Colour, Documentary, Live Action, Long, Slow, Language (English)


  • Do you know what happened at Columbine High School the morning of April 20, 1999?

  • What made the two guys different from their mates?

  • What is the source of such violence? Who or what has to be blamed for it?

  • Can a rockstar be really blamed for it? And videogames? Movies?

  • Are all these reasons enought to explain the such high incidence of this kind of events?

  • What is the role of society and media on it?

  • What about the American cultural love for weapons?

  • What is the difference of these variables in all the other countries?

  • What do people think about it? And what do you?


Copycat crimes: art and media


The documentary starts talking about the Massacre at Coumbine High School. You can find the story about it in the movie Elephant.

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