«Well, you seem like a person but you're just a voice in a computer.» «I can understand how the limited perspective of an unartificial...
The Consequences Of Love
«Do not underestimate the consequences of love.» What: The Consequences Of Love (Le Conseguenze Dell'Amore) Who: Paolo Sorrentino (D&S)...
Still Life
«Do you know someone who would have known him? Someone who would want to be there for his funeral? No. And you won't... No.» What: Still...
"Look. Look and fucking learn. I drove in this direction and there will be a new person when I get there. Yes, because of that night....
The Big Lebowski
"This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my...
We Need to Talk About Kevin
«I didn't care about anything. And there's a freedom in apathy, a wild, dizzying liberation on which you can almost get drunk. You can do...
Mr. Nobody
«You have to make the right choice. As long as you don't choose, everything remains possible». What: Mr. Nobody Who: Jaco Van Dormael...
The Basketball Diaries
«Just my own naked self and the stars breathing down, it's beautiful». What: The Basketball Diaries Who: Scott Kalvert With: Leonardo...
«You are a worthless, friendless, faggot-lipped little piece of shit whose mommy left daddy when she figured out he wasn't Eugene O'Neill...
«I took a photo of us, mid-embrace. When I am old and alone I will remember that I once held something truly beautiful.» What: Submarine...